Chronicling Lexi
4 months old
Lexi is the friendliest baby on the block, and shares a smile with everyone she encounters. She loves to face out in the pouch, one hand gripping the rail, looking bright-eyed at the world. She has fantastic hands. Hands that love to hold a finger, a toy, her soft blanket. Some days it seems she is always holding something, if there is no object to be held she holds on to her own hands, clasping them together.

She has her first cough. It is very mild, to be honest, probably due to exclusive breastfeeding and a healthy immune system. But it startled her, confused her, caused her to cling to me. What is this phenomenon? Why can't I stop myself? But as the day progressed, she became resigned to it. "I have done this," she thought, "and I am still doing okay. Mom is right here."

Mom is always there. Lexi comes on our dates, sits on our laps through church and bible study, perches atop the table as we eat. A handful of times I have slipped out and left her in the care of her able father for a few brief minutes of solitude, occasionally he has walked her around the block while I finished dinner, but our seperations are momentary at best. We like it that way.
posted by kristen @ 11:51 PM  
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