Chronicling Lexi
The Squeaky Wheel May Get the Grease...
We're getting more and more back into our routine, and househunting, etc. makes life quite busy. Because Lexi is usually quite easy, I often leave her in the swing, etc. for way too long while I do laundry, get Kate ready, get myself ready, etc. On those days when I'm rushing around, I leave myself a little "top off Lexi" window where I nurse her quickly before rushing out the door. It hasn't failed this week that each and every time I have tried to do that, Lexi hasn't cooperated. She's decided to spend the first five minutes cooing, smiling and being the most adorable baby on the face of the planet while refusing to nurse. The squeaky wheel may get the grease, but the charming baby gets her love and eye contact even in the midst of a busy day. When I've satisfactorily returned her coos and grins, she does get down to business!
posted by kristen @ 10:40 PM  
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